8 Things that Make Your Day Wonderful

Are you daily spending your day, without living fully?

I also did this for too many years. It was like life is just passing day by day, and I was waiting for something to happen someday. I always felt like I was preparing for something later on.

But today is not preparation for tomorrow. Today is the main event.
Live fully today by being mindful. I realize it is easy to say than done. Mindfulness is habit that is not easily picked up. And then I have decided to share with you some of my favorite mindfulness habits to help you to welcome your every moment of life.

You do not need to do all of these, but try few of them to see if they can make your day much better.

Mindfulness Routine

These routines help you to building something great in your daily life, so that you don’t forget what is important for you. Done mindfully, a routine will remind you to be aware. Done mindlessly, a routine is useless.
Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Sit on the Floor in the Morning: When you get up, in the morning, perhaps as your cup of coffee is brewing, get a cushion and sit on the floor for some time. I mostly use this opportunity to stretch my body, as I am stiff. I feel my every muscle in the body, and it is like I am awakening for the day. Then I just sit and focus on my breathing going in and out. I am absolute learner when it comes to meditation, but this always starts my day accurate.

2. Brush Your Teeth: I know we all brush our teeth, but mostly we do it while thinking of other things. Try to concentrate fully on the every action of brushing, on every stroke of each tooth, going from one side of mouth to the other side. You will end up doing a better job, and it helps you realize how much we are on autopilot mode.

3. Eat Mindfully: Turn off your TV, put away computer and mobile devices and even put away newspaper or magazine. If you daily eat with any of these things, eating without them will look boring. I like to eat my oats mindfully by paying attention to every bite. It makes my food’s taste better, and I eat with gratefulness and slowly.

4. Wash your Bowl: When you are done eating, wash your dish instantly after. Do it while paying full attention to your washing, to the water and the foam.

5. Drink Tea: Prepare your tea mindfully, sip it with thoughtfulness. See if you can set aside one time each day to do this, and it will make over your day better.

6. Walk Slowly: I like to take breaks from my work and go outside for a little walk. Walk slowly, every step practice in the awareness. Give attention to your breathing, to everything around you, to the light, sounds and the objects.

7. Read in Silence: Find a right time and a quiet place to read a book or novel. Have no computer or television nearby, and just immerse yourself in the world of the novel or book. It might seem difficult to let your mind move from the present to the time of the novel but it’s a great practice of focusing.

8. Work with Focus: Start your day by choosing a task that will make a big difference in your work, and clearing everything else away. Just do that one task and don’t switch to other till task complete. Single-tasking is a great way to focus.

These routines are not the only thing to be mindful, but they’re great reminders. Today, try a few of them to live fully and fully appreciate your wonderful day.
